Whenever account balance or available balance changed, it will be updated together. 3、Whenever account balance or available balance changed, it will be updated together. The limitation of requests from single IP is 100 per second. It will return “too many request” when the limitation is exceeded. This topic sends the latest market stats with 24h summary. It updates in snapshot mode, in frequency of no more than 10 times per second.
Then, you will received messages when there is any update in the subcribed topics. All return data of websocket Market APIs are compressed with GZIP so they need to be unzipped. Returning “repayId” doesn’t mean the repayment is 100% successful. Please check the transaction record to confirm the repayment status. To further query the latest status of a successfully triggered conditonal order, please refer to the endpoints in “Trading” section. Before a conditional order triggering, it can be only cancelled via this endpoint instead of any endpoint in “Trading” section.
Request A Margin Loan(isolated)
The receipt of transactId doesn’t implicate the success of creation. User should query creation history to confirm the transaction status post creation. Stable coin APIs provide stable coin quote query and exchange.
By default, sub user’s trading permission in spot market is activated. Via this endpoint, parent user is able to query sub user’s status by specifying a UID. This endpoint is used by the parent user to query their own API key information, and the parent user to query their sub user’s API key information. Sub user management APIs provide sub user account management , sub user API key management , sub user address query and balance query. Wallet APIs provide query functionality for deposit address, withdraw address, withdraw quota, deposit and withdraw history, and also provide withdraw and cancel-withdraw functionality. Via this endpoint, parent user should be able to transfer points between parent user and sub user, sub user should be able to transfer point to parent user.
- A maker rebate would be paid in batch mode for multiple trades.
- This endpoint returns the balance of a sub-user specified by sub-uid.
- It is requird to respond ‘Pong’ after receive ‘Ping’ from server.
- 2、After receiving WebSocket push message, check account balance from REST endpoint to ensure sufficient available balance for the next order submission.
This endpoint allows users to get system status, Incidents and planned maintenance. 10.Check the byte[] is directly to be Base64 encoded after generated from the HmacSHA256 signature, instead of hexadecimal string trade360 scam to be Base64 encoded. The host api-aws.huobi.pro is optimized for AWS client, the latency is lower. API Explorer allows user to invoke and observe each API request and response without writing any program.
This endpoint only returns those conditional orders which have not triggered with orderStatus value as created. • The gap between orderPrice and stopPrice shouldn’t exceed the price limit ratio. For example, a limit buy order’s price couldn’t be higher than 110% of market price, this limitation should be also applicable vice industry token ico price to orderPrice/stopPrice ratio. The calculated maker rebate value inside ‘filled-fees’ would not be paid immediately. The Dead man’s switch protects the user’s assets when the connection to the exchange is lost due to network or system errors. This endpoint returns all open orders which have not been filled completely.
Transfer Asset Between Parent And Sub Account
This endpoint transfers specific asset from cross margin account to spot trading account. This endpoint transfers specific asset from spot trading account to cross margin account. This endpoint transfers specific asset from isolated margin account to spot trading account. This endpoint transfers specific asset from spot trading account to isolated margin account. The returned data object is a single string which represents the order idIf client order ID duplicates with a previous order , the endpoint reverts error message invalid.client.order.id.
The valid value range of trailing rate is between 0.1% and 5%. 2、After receiving WebSocket push message, check account balance from REST endpoint to ensure sufficient available balance for the next order submission. The maximum range of each query is 48 hours, and the last 180 days data can be queried continuously.
While repaying the loan, loan interest will be paid first if there is no appointed transactId. The conditional order before triggering, as well as the conditional order failed to trigger, can be queried out through this endpoint instead of any endpoint in “Trading” section. 1) Although the newly introduced conditional order is also triggered by stop price, before it being triggered, the Exchange will not lock order margin for this order.
2) In order to get these items from Huobi server, adopt the “nextId” as “fromId” and submit another request, with other request parameters no change. 2) In order to get these items from Huobi server, adopt the “next-id” as “from-id” and submit another request, with other request parameters no change. This endpoint retrieves the latest tickers for all supported pairs. This endpoint retrieves all klines in a specific range. Any deposits less than the minimum amount will not be credited or refunded.”
Request Parameters
It is suggested to use Rest API for one-off operation, like trading and withdraw. Before you use API, you need to login the website to create API Key with proper permissions. The API key is shared for all instruments in Huobi including spot, futures, swap, options.
The query window can be within the last 180 days, which means, by adjusting “startTime” & “endTime” accordingly, the records in last 180 days are queriable. Below is the error code, error message and description returned by Market data APIs. This endpoint returns the match results of past and current filled, or partially filled orders based on specific search criteria.
Sub User Management
It will return “too many request” when the limit is exceeded. 3) While there is single side order book update, either bid or ask, the incremental message sent from 5-level/20-level MBP feed only contains that side update. 8) If one incremental message includes updates of multiple price levels, all of those levels should be updated simultaneously in MBP book. This endpoint returns loan interest rates and loan quota applied on the user. The endpoint returns loan interest rates and quota applied on the user. A: You can call API GET /v1/common/symbols to get the currency pair information, pay attention to the difference between the minimum amount and the minimum price.
The top of the document is the navigation menu for different API business; The language button in the top right is for different languages, it supports Chinese and English right now. After that you will be able to add cryptocurrencies to your bookmarks list. Again a chart that shows that we are bullish as always. If we look at the strong support areas and draw a line, we get a clear picture imo of where we are. I don’t understand for a long time, the talk bitcoin is bearish or could get bearish. The current contract has positions or orders, which does not support the adjustment of margin mode.
Transfer Asset From Cross Margin Account To Spot Trading Account(cross)
The UI is designed as the same as document, which has input parameters and response description, user can use it easily without any additional user guide. Endpoints marked with rate limit value separately are applied with new rate limit rule. See “new version rate limit rule” sector of this document. Sub user has independent login password and API Key, they are managed under parent user in website. The connection can be established by a single handshake, and then server can push the notification to client actively.
Get Account Balance Of A Sub
Only when this conditional order being successfully triggered, its order margin will be locked. If the order price is greater than the highest buy price in the market, the order will be accepted. If the order price is less than or equal to the highest buy price in the market, the order will be rejected. This endpoint places a new order and sends to the exchange to be matched. A:User has to include the address into the pre-defined address table on Huobi official website before withdrawing through API.
Reference data APIs provide public reference information such as system status, market status, symbol info, currency info, chain info and server timestamp. It is suggested to provide an unique client-order-id field when placing the order, it is useful to track your orders status if you fail to get the order id response. We recommend you to manage clientOrderId by yourself to ensure its uniqueness.
It returns updated data from this timestample to the current time if filled in with ts. If there is no update, the “data” of response is “[]”. The trading symbols are consist of base currency and quote currency. Take the symbol BTC/USDT as an example, BTC is the base currency, and USDT is the quote currency. This endpoint returns the balance of the margin loan account. This endpoint returns the detail of one order by specified client order id .
Use this to calculate your risk % based on number of contracts or maximum number of contracts based on risk %.
Search For Existed Withdraws And Deposits
If the user fills in both start-time and end-time parameters, the server will return historical orders from near to far [end-time, start-time]. This endpoint only submit the cancellation request, the actual cancellation result will need to be confirmed by other endpoints like order status, matchresult, etc. This endpoint submit a request to cancel an order based on client-order-id . This endpoint returns the balance of a sub-user specified by sub-uid. This endpoint returns the aggregated balance from all the sub-users. This endpoint is used by the parent user to delete the API key of the sub user.
The current situation tells us that we are halfway up in terms of time. Even though many are bearish, that has nothing to do with the overall bullish situation. And many are trying to push the price further down with bad news to buy…
This endpoint allows parent user to lock or unlock a specific sub user. A:Please refer to the response from endpoint GET /v2/account/withdraw/quota, where quota per request, daily quota, annual quota, overall quota are available. Below is the response code, message and description returned by Wallet APIs. Parent user and sub user search for all existed withdraws and deposits and return their latest status. Via this endpoint, user could only query point’s balance instead of any other cryptocurrency’s balance. Via this endpoint, user should be able to query ‘termless’ point’s balance, as well as ‘terminable’ point’s balance including its group IDs and individual expiration date.
Trading APIs provide trading related functionality, including placing order, canceling order, order history query, trading history query, transaction fee query. Via this endpoint parent user is able to query account list of sub user by specifying a UID. Via this endpoint parent user bdswiss negative balance protection is able to query a full list of sub user’s UID as well as their status. Parent user creates a withdraw request from spot account to an external address , which doesn’t require two-factor-authentication. Below is the error code, error message and description returned by Account APIs.